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NEWS REPORT: USR Mayor and Council Meeting June 6, 2024

USR Police Officers and Additional First Responders Are Recognized

Upper Saddle River Police Officers Kenneth Rodriguez and John McIntyre were recognized by USR Police Chief Patrick Rotella for saving the life of a resident using an AED device and CPR. USR Volunteer Ambulance Corps members Erik Van Dan Berg and Scott Durian, and the Valley Hospital Ambulance squad were recognized, as well, and USRPD Dispatcher Daniel Costelloe received an honorable mention. 

Joseph Raymond of the USR DPW Retires

Joe Raymond was recognized and thanked for his 22 years of service, experience, and dedication to the Borough of Upper Saddle River Department of Public Works.

National Gun Violence Day Is Proclaimed

June 7 was proclaimed National Gun Violence Day for the Borough of Upper Saddle River by Mayor Fardanesh.. Residents were encouraged to wear the color orange. The mayor stated that there are 4.8 deaths per 100,000 people in the State of New Jersey due to gun violence.

LGBTQ Month Proclaimed

The month of June 2024 was proclaimed LGBTQ month for the Borough of Upper Saddle River.

Bills Paid

Borough bills in the amount of $3,710,720.67 were paid of which 89% were bills belonging to the schools.