Online Meeting
This meeting was held online via ZOOM.us due to social distancing mandates resulting from Covid-19 virus outbreak.
Public Hearing on One Lake St. Recreation/Athletic Park Plans and Funding
Ken Boswell of Boswell Engineering presented plans for the 9-acre site acquired by the borough in the settlement agreement with Mack-Cali Realty Corporation, on the Pearson Education property. Mack-Cali subsequently sold the development section of the property to Toll Brothers for the development of 186 townhouses and 22 affordable housing units on its 39 acres. This public hearing is a required step in applying for Bergen County Open Space Grant Funds.
The Borough of Upper Saddle River is planning to develop it’s 9-acre site into a recreation park property, which will be 465 ft. wide by 440 ft. long, to create a multipurpose artificial turf field which will contain 2 soccer/lacrosse fields, 2 football fields, 1 baseball field, and 1 little league field. In addition, a concession stand, a 10-ft. wide asphalt walking path around the perimeter of the plot, LED lighting for the fields, bleachers, scoreboards, a 58 car parking lot for USR parkland use and an additional 180 car parking lot are planned.
Mr. Boswell stated that the total development cost for the recreation field complex will be $5.5 million, and the project is projected to be completed in three phases starting in 2021 so as to prevent carry over from one grant year to the next. The borough plans for the park to be funded as follows:
Funding Phase 1: Total budgeted costs in Phase 1 are $3 million for rough grading, paving, turf installation, pathways and utilities. The boro will be applying for a $500,000 grant from the Bergen County Open Space Fund. The $2.5 million balance in Phase 1 will be paid for, the borough anticipates, by a 2021,10-year bond issue, which will cost borough taxpayers approximately $170 per household for 10 years.
Funding Phase 2 and 3: Total budgeted costs for Phases 2 and 3 (2022 and 2023) together are $2.5 million for the construction of a concession stand, bleachers, poles and light fixtures for LED lighting. The lighting will be equal, Mr. Boswell stated, to what is installed at Northern Highlands Regional High School. The borough anticipates that funds will be sought from 2 additional $500,000 Bergen County Open Space Grants in 2022 and 2023, and additional borough bond issues which will cost taxpayers an anticipated average additional $170/year for 10 years.
In addition, a walking path will be created to surround the fields, and a 40 ft. berm between Toll Brothers’ 208-unit development parcel and the boro’s recreation parcel is planned.
Mr. Boswell stated that a letter of intent has already been submitted by the borough to Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund (BCOSTF) for this project. This public hearing held online tonight is one of the requirements of BCOSTF in order to file an application for funds. The maximum grant available is $500,000. Upper Saddle River will be competing against the potential 69 other municipalities in Bergen County for this money. The grant is not assured, therefore, and could be any amount or no amount at all, as the BCOSTF sees fit to determine.
The borough plans to put the plans for the new recreation park out to bid beginning in 2021. Mr. Boswell stated that this planned park will be similar in scope to the Borough of Franklin Lakes’ Pulis Ave. recreation field. He also stated that there are no wetlands or species habitat located within the 9-acre plot.
Consent Agenda:
Ordinances Approved:
1. Tax Collector Authorized to Prepare and Send Estimated Tax Bills
Because Bergen County will not have completed calculation of the estimated tax rate for the borough, estimated tax bills will be sent at the end of June to be due August 1. Final bills will be sent at the end of September for the final quarter of 2020 and the first two quarters of 2021. This will be an unusual occurrence due to delays permitted due to the Coronavirus.
2. Lease with Bergen Highlands Methodist Church Renewed: The lease for 305 West Saddle River Rd. and 314 West Saddle River Rd. (for add’l parking) will be renewed until June 30, 2021 at same rates and terms as prior lease. No details were given in the borough agenda.
3. Purchase of Two Police Vehicles: Two 2020 Dodge Durango Pursuit Vehicles will be purchased in the amount of $33, 199 each under the Cranford Police Cooperative Pricing System.
4. Submission of TWA-1 Application to DEP Approved: The Bergen County Housing Development Corp. has received the site plan and land use approvals for the 70 Affordable Housing Units to be made available to low and moderate income senior citizens and special needs individuals for Lot 1002, Block 4.02 (behind Porcelanosa off Mountain View Rd.) The borough approved the Statements of Consent for the TWA-1 permit application to the NJDEP.
Ordinances Introduced:
- Submission of TWA-1 Application to DEP Approved: The Bergen County Housing Development Corp. has received the site plan and land use approvals for the 70 Affordable Housing Units to be made available to low and moderate income senior citizens and special needs individuals for Lot 1002, Block 4.02 (behind Porcelanosa off Mountain View Rd.) The borough approved the Statements of Consent for the TWA-1 permit application to the NJDEP.
- Short-term Rentals Prohibited:
An ordinance was introduced prohibiting short-term rentals (of less than 175 days) of furnished or unfurnished dwelling units and real property in the borough.
- Borough Equipment Improvements, Acquisition and Replacement: A bond ordinance was introduced in the amount of $1,208,000 for road improvements ($524K), vehicle and equipment acquisition for DPW ($156), vehicle and equipment acquisition for police department ($71K), equipment, machinery, IT equipment ($11K), various police department improvements ($30K), equipment for ambulance corp. ($75K), equipment and machinery for fire department ($252K), communications and signal equipment for fire department ($87K).
- Sports Court Ordinance: An ordinance amending the borough code providing standards and procedures for the approval of sports courts was introduced.
- May 17-23, 2020 National EMS Week
- June 2020 – Honoring 2020 Graduates
- June 2020 – LGBTQ Month
Bills Paid: $3,936,572 of which 85% went to the schools.
Boro Clerk’s Report: The boro clerk received reports from the police department, fire department, DBP, and the construction code official. None of these reports were shared with the citizens.
NEWS REPORT: USR Mayor & Council Meeting of May 7, 2020
Online Meeting
This meeting was held online via ZOOM.us due to social distancing mandates resulting from Covid-19 virus outbreak.
2020 Budget Hearing
The 2020 municipal budget in the amount of $13,474,265 was approved without benefit of a hearing for citizens of the borough. The reading of the budget by title only at this meeting was approved at last month’s meeting, even though the borough financial director and outside auditor were present at this online meeting. The 2019 municipal budget had been $12,299,000.
The 2020 budget exceeded the Local Government Budget Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of 2.5% to 3.5%. The mayor and council approved at a prior meeting the increase of the COLA to 3.5%.