The first monthly Hearthside History Chat focusing on the Upper Saddle River Historical Society’s handsomely expanded and extensive website was held on January 26 on Zoom.
The website, designed by Justin van Deursen, features the history of the borough, its farming and industry, historical homes and families, a 360 degree online tour of the Hopper-Goetschius House Museum, as well as a shopping link for books, maps, note cards and gifts. Residents can also register online to become members of the historical society or to receive periodic updates via email.
Many citizens of the borough contributed to the creation of the website including Northern Highlands Regional High School students and borough residents. The online history chat was hosted by Nvair Beylerian, Vice President of Events, and participants included Nona Maher, Trustee, and Gaspar Lesznik, President, among others.
The website provides a rich opportunity to explore and learn how this area of Bergen County was settled and how it has grown over the centuries. To learn more and to register on the website to participate in future Hearthside History Chats go to: